The Chicken Buzzer Meeting of Readings & Insights by Susan Marlene
I place the chicken timer on the table—it’s time to share a read and then explore some information by those teachers of ‘brain science’ on how to write page turners! My thoughts in blue type. READY SET—WHO WILL BE FIRST TO READ? (Chicken set for 5 minutes!) Wired For Story by Lisa Cron: …story told us what to hang on to. Story is what enabled us to imagine….1 When we turn pages with enthusiasm it is possible to not realize why. Revisit favorite authors and keep a notebook where you can write down the emotionally driven thoughts or concepts that stir you and pull you into story. This is good for fiction and non-fiction. Read page 4 third paragraph in Lisa Cron’s book. We want the real life feel to our stories, but without the mundane activities that are so common place and unimportant to the story purpose that they would steal our plot and character—interaction word count. Write three elements of story that cause you to NOT want to leave a story? What are three elements that cause you to WANT to leave the story? READY SET—WHO WILL BE FIRST TO READ? (Chicken set for 5 minutes!) The FIRST 50 PAGES by Jeff Gerke shares wonderful insights on starting a novel with all the right elements that agents, editors, and readers need to be engaged in your story. Gerke states, “In good dialogue, dialogue with subtext, the characters aren’t responding to what the other person says, but to what they think the other person means.”2 In non-fiction, I know I’ve scanned the contents to see if I can relate to what the chapters offer. You must immediately grab the attention and need that your particular reader has. Offer something unique and worthwhile. Now or at home -write how you could add those three elements to your story. What three elements do you use that cause you to enjoy your story? READY SET—WHO WILL BE FIRST TO READ? (Chicken set for 5 minutes!) Wired For Story What matters most is that the story “engender a sense of urgency from the first sentence. Everything else—fabulous characters, great dialogue, vivid imagery, luscious language—is gravy.” Again, even for non-fiction the importance of writing to topics that matter and offer help and direction to your reader is vital to a successful book. READY SET—WHO WILL BE FIRST TO READ? (Chicken set for 5 minutes!) Wired For Story—Lisa Cron shares, “the real story is how what happens affects the protagonist, and what she does as a result.” I also heard in a teaching by Randy Ingermanson that the way that reactions are recorded in a scene could muddy the read if the author writes what happens out of order. Your reader may not ‘know’ how it should be written, but they can sense when what is written is out of step with real life happenings. We don’t jump first and then hear glass shattering. READY SET—WHO WILL BE FIRST TO READ? (Chicken set for 5 minutes!) The FIRST 50 PAGES--Jeff Gerke states, “There is power in your hero’s dreams that may not be immediately evident…is the basis of that high-sounding term, the story question.” The inward motivation and unmet desire at the beginning of the story (realized or unrealized by the heroine/hero) is the fuel that drives the character to achieve that outward goal. The outward goal is very much linked with the inward need, that will be challenged along the story journey. For non-fiction writers, what dream are you targeting that could assist or direct your reader to discover what they need for a better life? READY SET—WHO WILL BE FIRST TO READ? (Chicken set for 5 minutes!) If we have extra time then I can read from sections from these books for those who are interested. The books I’ve referenced have so much to offer for those seeking to write with excellence and build their skills to communicate story at their very best! If you don’t wish to purchase them you can always request them at your local library. 1 Wired For Story by Lisa Cron, page 1 2 The FIRST 50 PAGES by Jeff Gerke page 29 3 Wired For Story by Lisa Cron page 21 4 The FIRST 50 PAGES by Jeff Gerke page104
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Words are not just words. They are thoughts and inspiration that have been behind every relationship and every deed--good or bad throughout time. If you have that burning desire to communicate and explore, come peruse my pages, teachings, and short stories. Allow inspiration to anchor your dreams on the written pages of memoirs, devotions, poems, or stories, both short or long! Luxuriate in the creativity you were born to share! Rebecca McLafferty is an accomplished writer, editor, speaker, and so much more. I have known Rebecca for years, and her track record is exemplary. Her in-depth insight into story and respect for the writer’s voice are major reasons I respect her and highly recommend her for your writing project! You may find her at McLafferty Enterprises, LLC’s website.
Sarah Grosskopf is a writer, beta reader, and copywriter extraordinaire! I highly recommend Sarah and have known her for years. She has taught and encouraged Pens of Praise members with humor, instinct, and highly praised skill sets. So, consider this an invitation to discover details about Sarah Grosskopf. Here is a link to her website! Archives
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