Regina taught LESSONS FROM THE FIELD and she covered such topics as writing what you love to knowing your market. We asked questions and she answered each one to our satisfaction! We were truly blessed to have such an experienced author generously share her tried and true experiences and humor!
This was such a fun and informative night with Regina Scott! Everyone appreciated her wisdom and entertaining answers to very puzzling questions concerning our individual writing careers! Thank you so much, Regina, not only can you write novels, but you can teach others to do the same!!! Regina can be found on her website:
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Tuesday, August 17, 2021 JITSI MEETING Prayer Introductions for new guests. Devotion-- Susan Marlene GRAMMAR TIDBIT--Rebecca McLafferty LET THE TEACHING BEGIN "Lessons from the Field" is this our topic for August! Award-winning author, Regina Scott, will facilitate the lesson. May we be blessed and a blessing in all our endeavors this year! PROMPT: My Favorite Topic -- I double-triple dare you to write a piece that you could turn into a devotion, short story, or article! ANNOUNCEMENTS: Remember to pray for one another as we write for HIM! Thank you! To join Susie Larson’s PREPARE HIM ROOM Launch Team here is the link: APPLICATION LINK: WEMI FM Library of Congress website REMEMBER: Inspire your reader with excellent take-away from your stories or writings = return reader! God’s abundant blessings on you as you write for His glory!
PENS OF PRAISE CHRISTIAN WRITERS GROUP August 17, 2021 Tuesday 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Jitsi Meeting I’ll send the link to our Pens of Praise email list. All we have to do is click on the link in the Pens of Praise email. You will be asked your name. "Lessons from the Field" is this our topic for August! Award-winning author, Regina Scott, will facilitate the lesson. She will cover topics like getting ideas, publication paths, and marketing--a pretty wide swath, to be sure, and she will talk about things she has learned after more than 50 books. There you have it, this is a delightful, helpful, and experienced writer of clean fiction from both mainline Publishers and self-publishing. PROMPT: My Favorite Topic -- I double-triple dare you to write a piece that you could turn into a devotion, short story, or article! An inspired reader given excellent take-away = return readers! We are a safe place to share, and Pens Meetings are free. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact Becky McLafferty @ [email protected] or Susan Marlene@ [email protected] Scenes & Pacing &
Liar Liar Pants on Fire Structure of a Scene
Let’s use information from the book-- EMOTIONAL VAMPIRES by Albert J. Bernstein, PH. D. as motivation for a scene. On pages 75—80, Bernstein shares how liars think and operate to control others. A liar, if you have one in your story, can be quite useful to spice up a fictional scene. Talk about motivation for story—let’s have a liar mess up the protagonist’s world and then shift the blame on him/her and see what happens. We shared discussion from the EMOTIONAL VAMPIRES book and did an exercise of writing a scene as a group which ended up as a cozy murder mystery beginning. :) I also shared how I use information from these amazing author/teachers about plotting story. PLOTTING STRUCTURE: Adapted from: Michael Hauge’s “Six Stage Plot Structure”; K.M Weiland’s STRUCTURING YOUR NOVEL, Essential Keys for Writing an Outstanding Story; and WRITE YOUR NOVEL FROM THE MIDDLE by James Scott Bell All in all we had a great time and learned from one another! I'm so grateful for our writers! *** And I don't want to neglect saying that Sue Fink opened our meeting with prayer, Sarah shared a wonderful devotion that we all encouraged her to publish, and Rebecca McLafferty shared a very special grammar tidbit straight from her family tree--her grandmother! Well done Penzers! See you next month when award winning author, Regina Scott will teach our lesson! *** |
Words are not just words. They are thoughts and inspiration that have been behind every relationship and every deed--good or bad throughout time. If you have that burning desire to communicate and explore, come peruse my pages, teachings, and short stories. Allow inspiration to anchor your dreams on the written pages of memoirs, devotions, poems, or stories, both short or long! Luxuriate in the creativity you were born to share! Rebecca McLafferty is an accomplished writer, editor, speaker, and so much more. I have known Rebecca for years, and her track record is exemplary. Her in-depth insight into story and respect for the writer’s voice are major reasons I respect her and highly recommend her for your writing project! You may find her at McLafferty Enterprises, LLC’s website.
Sarah Grosskopf is a writer, beta reader, and copywriter extraordinaire! I highly recommend Sarah and have known her for years. She has taught and encouraged Pens of Praise members with humor, instinct, and highly praised skill sets. So, consider this an invitation to discover details about Sarah Grosskopf. Here is a link to her website! Archives
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