Due to weather conditions we had to reschedule. We have never had to cancel a meeting so many times...hmmmm must be important! :) See you Monday, February 26th! Sue Fink has a prize to give, hope to see you there!
PENS OF PRAISE CHRISTIAN WRITERS GROUP Monday, February 26, 2018 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Faith Church 42nd Street, Manitowoc, WI 54220 Faith Church is located next to Festival Foods Not far from the Manitowoc exit off Interstate 43 “GOALS AND ORGANIZATION -TIME IN A BIND?” is our topic this month. Susan Fink & Susan Marlene are leading your amazing journey of discovery over two often avoided or ignored skills that can make or break a writing career. (Or at least beloved hobby.) Do you want to enjoy more time creating and playing with written communication and storytelling? Come to inspire and be inspired! We are a safe place to share. We invite you to bring your WIP (Work in progress!) for a five minute read. The prompt for this ary is February… “If I could, I would, but I can’t so I shan’t_________” Bring your favorite coffee or tea with you! Our precious Kathy Leist brings treats—we all appreciate her so! J As always, if you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to contact Becky McLafferty @ [email protected] or Susan Marlene@ [email protected]
Do They Only Hide In Shadows?
Definition of antagonist – one who is opposed to or strives with another; opponent; adversary. 2. The adversary of the hero or of the protagonist of a drama or other literary work. Roget’s International Thesaurus— synonyms – antagonism- hostility, opposition, warlikeness, enmity, contrariety, disagreement, counteraction. Counteraction – opposition counterposition or contraposition, confutation, contradiction; antagonism, repugnance, antipathy, conflict, friction, interference, clashing, collision; reaction, repercussion, backlash among recoil, kick, backfire, boomerang effect; resistance, nonconformity, crankiness, crotchetiness, orneriness, renitency (rigid in structure or attitude); going against the current or against the tide, swimming upstream; contrariety. Susan May Warren – States in Deep and Wide, “I believe a villain is anyone or anything that seeks to destroy another person’s confidence, goals—even their hope. A villain chews at a person’s competence, raining upon them doubt, stirring up their fears, and leaves them hopeless.” Read following paragraph from page 142. What types of antagonists are there?
Techniques to consider when using your antagonist to sweeten or adorn your plot and challenge your protagonist. Let’s talk about some…. Does the antagonist seem to be a friend to the hero, and the reader knows this but the hero is oblivious? Does the antagonist have skills and abilities that put the hero at a disadvantage? Is the antagonist just plain intimidating and prideful yet important to the success of the hero? Invisible antagonist ? Is that even possible? Writing the BREAKOUT NOVEL Workbook by Donald Maass suggests that sometimes the antagonists is merely life itself. Also, mysteries may not reveal the antagonist until the very end of the book. On page 68 he states and I quote, ‘Stephen L. Carter’s The Emperor of Ocean Park is not a murder mystery, as such, since the agent of opposition in the story is dead.’ Bottom line when evaluating your antagonist, is your antagonist:
CHRISTIAN WRITERS GROUP Monday, February 19, 2018 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Faith Church 2201 42nd Street, Manitowoc, WI 54220 Faith Church is located next to Festival Foods Not far from the Manitowoc exit off Interstate 43 “GOALS AND ORGANIZATION -TIME IN A BIND?” is our topic this month. Susan Fink & Susan Marlene are leading your amazing journey of discovery over two often avoided or ignored skills that can make or break a writing career. (Or at least beloved hobby.) Do you want to enjoy more time creating and playing with written communication and storytelling? Come to inspire and be inspired! We are a safe place to share. We invite you to bring your WIP (Work in progress!) for a five minute read. The prompt for this January is… “If I could, I would, but I can’t so I shan’t_________” Bring your favorite coffee or tea with you! Our precious Kathy Leist brings treats—we all appreciate her so! J As always, if you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to contact Becky McLafferty @ [email protected] or Susan Marlene@ [email protected] |
Words are not just words. They are thoughts and inspiration that have been behind every relationship and every deed--good or bad throughout time. If you have that burning desire to communicate and explore, come peruse my pages, teachings, and short stories. Allow inspiration to anchor your dreams on the written pages of memoirs, devotions, poems, or stories, both short or long! Luxuriate in the creativity you were born to share! Rebecca McLafferty is an accomplished writer, editor, speaker, and so much more. I have known Rebecca for years, and her track record is exemplary. Her in-depth insight into story and respect for the writer’s voice are major reasons I respect her and highly recommend her for your writing project! You may find her at McLafferty Enterprises, LLC’s website. https://www.mclaffertyenterprises.com/services-4
Sarah Grosskopf is a writer, beta reader, and copywriter extraordinaire! I highly recommend Sarah and have known her for years. She has taught and encouraged Pens of Praise members with humor, instinct, and highly praised skill sets. So, consider this an invitation to discover details about Sarah Grosskopf. Here is a link to her website!
https://sarahgrosskopf.com/ Archives
January 2025
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