Introductions for new guests. Devotion-- Rebecca McLafferty GRAMMAR TIDBIT--Rebecca McLafferty Okay, I’m nibbling a Hershey’s Heath Bit while sipping steaming coffee. Nutritious? No. But the combination is perfect for this frigid February day. How does that sound? (Not the candy, the grammar!!) Hershey’s is a company. It is not a he, she, or they. Hershey’s is an it. To increase its product line, Hershey’s added Hershey’s Kisses milk chocolate Meltaway Roses, a milk chocolate Bear, Hugs & Kisses Heart Box, a Reese’s Peanut Butter Rose and Reese’s Big Box O’ Love. (See source below.)
The word ‘myself’ directs the action of the verb. (purchased for myself). Myself is never used as a subject pronoun. I shared the chocolate between him and me. Use me, us, you, him, her, it, or them when the pronoun is the DIRECT OR INDIRECT OBJECT OF A VERB.
This Reese’s Pieces candy belongs to me! These Reese’s Pieces candies belong to me! These Reese’s Pieces belong to me! 4.It’s my chocolate Valentine heart. (it is) My Valentine heart lost it’s foil. (incorrect – no possessive apostrophe in its) I can’t believe its gone. (incorrect – it is gone – it’s) I can’t believe it’s gone. Correct! (it is gone) LET THE TEACHING BEGIN “Sentences Are the Thing--our February topic is facilitated by Susan Marlene. We will investigate some interesting sentence structure from 25 Great Sentences And How They Got That Way by Geraldine Woods. Plenty of discussion and I’m sure laughs as we practice and explore sentence structures we may never have fathomed before! May we be blessed and a blessing in all our endeavors this year! PROMPT: Write a favorite sentence that you found in fiction, non-fiction, history or dare to quote a family member! Tell us why this treasure of an idea captured your attention! Steve Laube & Christian Institute shares a lot of excellent and informative website for writers of fiction and nonfiction. ANNOUNCEMENTS: WEMI FM
Christian Devotions is looking for devotions. This is not a paid site, but one to give to the Lord and share your message with others! Northwestern Christian Writers Conference, July 16 - 17, 2021 free download Library of Congress website REMEMBER: Inspired reader from excellent take-away from you writing = return reader! God’s abundant blessings on you as you write for His glory!
Sentences Are the Thing by Susan Marlene February 23, 2021
Great quotes, memorable lines, intriguing dialogue—those are the stuff that influential and entertaining books and movies etc. are made from. How to create some of your own lines that will—sail tall ships or drive negativity away or accentuate beauty in a world that seeks out ugly—is alluring. Maybe necessary, if you want to write for a career. We are going to briefly peruse the book 25 Great Sentences And How They Got That Way by Geraldine Woods. Here is a quote from the author from page XIV “My standards for judging a sentence start with this foundation: a good sentence communicates clearly and fulfills the author’s purpose, whatever that might be. The sentence should flow naturally and rest on a sturdy structure.” A meagre glimpse at Part I (This book is packed with excellent examples and info! You will be wise to purchase your own copy, in my opinion!) Pocket sentence Crossed sentence Pocket Sentence This is a sentence structure that may drive those with modern style (shorter sentences) a bit crazy—but there is hope. Let’s see what I mean…
leaves the reader wondering is it really over????
More examples and types of pockets are mentioned. Here I a fun activity at the end of the chapter. Here are some sentences and I dare you to use the notes above to fill in the blanks. 😊
Crossed Sentence When using the same words but switching the order to include opposing ideas, one creates a crossed sentence. These sentences add spice and glitter to your writing. Use them for your most important point that you wish to drive home. To strengthen the main idea. Kennedy’s speech is filled with paired and opposing ideas which repeat and strengthen the listener/reader with vital choices. Read the examples on page 19 -20 Discussion Order for your words matters to the meaning—be careful! Pg 21 Crossed sentences define and compare with opposing ideas and playfulness with words. Ex. Pg. 23 Ex. On pg. 27 Here is an activity for you to play with! I will read some word groups and you write a crossed sentence with one of them. Activity on pg. 27 And make your template. Movie Divergent -- It all works, everyone knows where they belong, except for me. -- The future belongs to those who know where they belong. An Avenger movie -- Time for me to be who I am, not who I’m supposed to be. PENS OF PRAISE CHRISTIAN WRITERS GROUP Tuesday, February 16, 2021 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Zoom Conference I will send the ZOOM log in information in our normal Pens Announcement for anyone wishing to attend. Any writer who has not attended Pens prior to this—please contact me at [email protected] at least a day before the meeting. I will send you the information needed to join the meeting. Attend from… Your home. Your choice of refreshments from your fridge--still no running to Kathy’s house for treats! 😊 How I long for a good in-person meet and greet Pens gathering with you all. Sentences Are the Thing by Susan Marlene Are you ready to look at sentences differently than you ever did before? How would you describe the photo above in a unique way? Susan will bring us through some very entertaining sentence structures that we can play with and be inspired by! Susan invites you to offer some of your own sentence collections so that we can talk about how to apply specific techniques to our fiction and non-fiction works-in-progress. Be ready to learn some great info and to have a lot of fun! PROMPT: Write a favorite sentence that you found in fiction, non-fiction, history or dare to quote a family member! Tell us why this treasure of an idea captured your attention! Inspired readers given excellent take-away = return readers! We are a safe place to share, and Pens Meetings are free. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact Becky McLafferty @ [email protected] or Susan Marlene@ [email protected] |
Words are not just words. They are thoughts and inspiration that have been behind every relationship and every deed--good or bad throughout time. If you have that burning desire to communicate and explore, come peruse my pages, teachings, and short stories. Allow inspiration to anchor your dreams on the written pages of memoirs, devotions, poems, or stories, both short or long! Luxuriate in the creativity you were born to share! Rebecca McLafferty is an accomplished writer, editor, speaker, and so much more. I have known Rebecca for years, and her track record is exemplary. Her in-depth insight into story and respect for the writer’s voice are major reasons I respect her and highly recommend her for your writing project! You may find her at McLafferty Enterprises, LLC’s website.
Sarah Grosskopf is a writer, beta reader, and copywriter extraordinaire! I highly recommend Sarah and have known her for years. She has taught and encouraged Pens of Praise members with humor, instinct, and highly praised skill sets. So, consider this an invitation to discover details about Sarah Grosskopf. Here is a link to her website! Archives
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