Thank you Susan for your timely lesson and skill at leading this very useful lesson! My mind is still running over your assignments and words of wisdom! Anyone can visit Susan L. Fink at: https://susanlfink.blogspot.com/ WELCOME TO PENS OF PRAISE CHRISTIAN WRITERS GROUP Tuesday, February 19, 2019 Introductions for new guests. Pass around sign in sheet. PENS OF PRAISE STATEMENT OF BELIEF: Pens of Praise Christian Writers Group is a fellowship of word-loving communicators who provide encouragement, education, and listening ears to those writing clean and encouraging communication. We support the development of skill, attention to detail, and professionalism necessary to obtain personal and public publication. We are a group not limited by age, so even very young writers are welcome. We support Christian values and therefore do not share sex or overtly violent scenes, which would not be in keeping with Christian values concerning entertainment or enlightenment. WRITER’S PRAYER (by Rebecca McLafferty) Dearest Father God, I come before you this day with thanksgiving, knowing that you are here with me. I pray that you will use my writing to glorify you. May my words, both spoken and written, honor you. When I am unsure of what to write, encourage me, Lord. May your love, peace, and hope shine through my writing to touch lives—even the lives of those who don’t know you. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen Devotion—by Naomi Raddatz GRAMMAR TIDBIT: HYPHEN VS. DASH hyphen (-), en dash (–), and em dash (—) By Rebecca McLafferty Let the teaching begin! UPPING YOUR VERBIAGE & WRESTLING A THESAURUS Susan Fink will direct our class this blustery month of February. Susan will provide information about interactive writing with information about excellent resource books on this important topic. Remember, leaving your reader inspired with an excellent take-away is like an open invitation for your reader to return! We will also llow 5-minute readings from our writers as time allows at the end of the teaching. PROMPT: Use your favorite “Big Word” and write what you please! ANNOUNCEMENTS: Let’s Keep In Touch: If you have a WEB page, blog, social media address, or other online personal information to share with Pens writers, please send to [email protected] so that contact information can be added to the announcement and handouts. Becky McLafferty writes on Thursdays for “Fill My Cup, Lord” (A FB page.) Becky McLafferty https://www.beckymclafferty.com/ Susan Marlene www.susanmarlene.com; Susan Fink https://www.facebook.com/susan.l.fink https://susanlfink.blogspot.com/ Kate Jungwirth https://www.facebook.com/kate.jungwirth.7 Debby Erdmann https://www.facebook.com/debby.erdmann?fref=pb&hc_location=friends_tab You are invited to visit and make a comment! That would be especially nice! 😊
Words are not just words. They are thoughts and inspiration that have been behind every relationship and every deed--good or bad throughout time. If you have that burning desire to communicate and explore, come peruse my pages, teachings, and short stories. Allow inspiration to anchor your dreams on the written pages of memoirs, devotions, poems, or stories, both short or long! Luxuriate in the creativity you were born to share! Rebecca McLafferty is an accomplished writer, editor, speaker, and so much more. I have known Rebecca for years, and her track record is exemplary. Her in-depth insight into story and respect for the writer’s voice are major reasons I respect her and highly recommend her for your writing project! You may find her at McLafferty Enterprises, LLC’s website. https://www.mclaffertyenterprises.com/services-4
Sarah Grosskopf is a writer, beta reader, and copywriter extraordinaire! I highly recommend Sarah and have known her for years. She has taught and encouraged Pens of Praise members with humor, instinct, and highly praised skill sets. So, consider this an invitation to discover details about Sarah Grosskopf. Here is a link to her website!
https://sarahgrosskopf.com/ Archives
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