Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the Devil, prowls about like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. I Peter 5:8 There's a sweet spot in human relations. It is to be found at the point where what one person wants overlaps with what the other wants. This sweet spot isn't a fixed zone. It shifts and moves subtly. Quote from Patrick Andrews, the barefoot lawyer and Co-founder of Human Organizing Co. I don’t know anything about Mr. Patrick Andrews, but I do agree with his quote that the sweet spot can shift and move subtly. I also believe that fixed attitudes are pretty constant, like the North Star, unless great effort is exerted to change. Mr. Andrews did a study concerning words about “getting people to do something,” and the list included many negative examples: force, trick, manipulate, flatter, wheedle, and on and on. He quit counting at 70 words. Observation tells me that the old Devil uses various negative advantage points over people. He uses accusation, criticism, and doubt. Oh, yes, plenty of doubt! All that being said, I realize how we need to intentionally choose the right attitude and sweet spot with individuals and the Lord. My insides hop to with joy and adulation when I focus on making such alliances! Whoop, whoop, do you feel it too? First, I think it is essential to reflect on what I want that overlaps with what God wants. Hmmm, what a fun and uplifting consideration. Next, what does God want that I should desire? Oh, I’d rather focus on what I already have in common with the Lord, my Anchor, but how much do I want to know Him? Agree with Him? How can anyone even begin wanting the right attitudes and desires? I hope that we don’t have even one sweet spot with Old Slew Foot, but I hardly doubt that. Who is the Devil? Our adversary, the one who lays traps and uses tricks to lure us away from THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. Considering what the Devil wants: division, hate, strife, unforgiveness, accusations, and control, for starters, do I see any common ‘wants’ in any of my relationships? Do we want to question another man’s walk? Jesus said, “. . . what is that to you? You follow Me!” Do we want to coddle unforgiveness, self-centered anger, fear, and the like? At the mention of someone’s name, are we blurting out our offenses? Just like Old Slew Foot would? Ouch! Ooch, ouch! Like he tries to do with us? Sweet spot—The part of a surface that gives the most power for the least effort. . .Cambridge Dictionary Personally, ‘give the most power for the least effort’ I wish to reserve for the Author & Finisher of my Faith and not the Devil. I see battle lines drawn. Effort and self-control on my part will be required. Some spiritual sweat, focus, and surrendering of attitudes and offenses that I’ve thought were not so bad or that I have every reason to hold. I want my sweet spot overlapping to be with my Lord of Lords and the Light of the World. I desire a clean heart and a renewed and right spirit within me. I don’t want to overlap with Old Slew Foot, who would have me bound in hurt, damage, and looking everywhere for something or someone to be offended at. To criticize and find fault with. So because I want to resemble my Redeemer, I will actively seek the “or” of the title of this devotion. The Devil's Sweet Spot, Or . . .The Lord of Lord’s Sweet Spot. This girl wants all the beauty the Father has to grant in my inward parts! Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil, cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love, give preference to one another in honor; not lagging behind in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, persevering in tribulation, devoted to prayer . . .Romans 12:9 - 12 John 21:22
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