![]() What path will you choose? A man’s pride will bring him low, But the humble in spirit will retain honor. Proverbs 29:23 Pride. Pride can be a sneaky gremlin working mayhem in circumstances and perceptions about our Christian journey. Everything and everyone affects how we grow in the knowledge of the Lord on High. Is He the frighteningly righteous King of Kings, High Priest, or soothing Everlasting Father? And our reactions to calamity are not always predictable. Can you imagine Satan quivering with anticipation, watching intently to observe how his interference and chaos will turn the would-be follower? Or even the seasoned prayer warrior who has been allowed enough success—without much opposition—so that he or she can trip over a bit of pride? Why did I mention a mogwai (gremlin)—an evil creature from a movie I’d seen in the 1980s. That creature multiplied—bringing havoc and destruction—in nightmarish speed. Sometimes, distractions or limited understanding can look cute and acceptable, like that pet mogwai. We don’t know the cost of embracing minimal focus and relationship with the Lord, so we ride on fluff. Like I rode on fluff. When I’d started following Jesus, someone complimented me, “You could be a pastor’s wife.” I agreed. Now I laugh. Being a pastor or pastor’s wife is not for the faint of heart. Joseph’s story from Genesis shows the enduring loyalty and trust needed to purge pride from making its disastrous mark on God-given purpose. Joseph didn’t know why or how long he would have to endure prison. This was a day after day, tough—mundane existence, and Joseph didn’t crumble under its monotony. When God opened that restraining door, He did so quickly and richly rewarded Joseph’s patience. Such trying times benefited him and made Joseph a man of God. He became wise and powerful because Joseph relied on the Lord—his obedience allowed remarkable accomplishments, that saved countless lives. Joseph embraced this amazing perception concerning his brothers’ betrayal, “And as for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.” Will you and I see such amazing results happen when we’re faithful to our Savior? If we are patient under fire? Maybe and maybe not. In one of Hannah Whitehall Smith’s books, she shares a similar thought—If God made you a potato, He made you a potato, and you should rejoice in that. I delight in the times that I followed His lead cheerfully and patiently. My regrets are the whining and pleading for change. I know more fully than ever that, We are the clay, and Thou our potter; And all of us are the work of Thy hand. Isaiah 64:8b Our Lord’s results fly in the face of Satan’s pride and deceit, bringing prosperity of spirit and grace to those of even humble circumstances as their eyes are fixed on the Door. Abba Father our Living Water and King of Kings. And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness”. . . Therefore, I am well content with weakness, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.” II Corinthians 12:9-10
Writing devotions puts me in our Father's presence. My heart, mind, and spirit are focused on Him.Archives
August 2021
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